Occlusal Adjustment Issues Can Lead to Serious Dental Problems
Occlusal, or bite, adjustment is a procedure performed to remove tiny interferences that keep teeth from coming together properly. These interferences can prevent the jaw from closing in its anatomically correct position. Interferences can occur as teeth develop, following an injury, or they can accumulate over time with wear. Dental treatment such as fillings, crowns, bridges, and extractions can also cause interferences.
Interferences can prevent the jaw from fully sliding into its anatomically correct position. This means that the muscles of the jaw and neck are never able to fully relax. This may result in severe headaches, neck aches, and tooth pain. Many patients may develop bruxism, or teeth grinding, as their jaw seeks its natural position. Bruxism can cause loss of tooth structure and receding gums. It may also necessitate the need for dental treatment if the teeth are affected severely enough. Over time, patients may develop temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues if interferences go untreated.